Foley swamp Bigfoot, Oscoda county

Foley Swamp, Oscoda County, Michigan

1990 – © Chicago Tribune wires.
Dateline: Bay City Michigan


The legendary Bigfoot is back, say deer hunters emerging from Foley Swamp in Oscoda County. Reported sightings of an 8-foot hairy creature trickled in to authorities and nearby business owners before the Oct. 1 season began.

But the hikers and hunters offer little proof other than their eyewitness accounts.

“I’ve never had any experiences with it, but it’s obvious that something is going on up here,” said Jane Stone, who with her husband owns the Bear Paw Cabins and The Little Sport Shop in Lucerne near the swamp.

“I just don’t know what it is,” she said.
“I have an open mind to it.”

On Sept. 28, two hikers told the Oscoda County Sheriff’s Department they spotted a tall, hairy creature in Foley Swamp in Huron National Forest. Art Kapa of Mayville, a Bigfoot investigator for 21 years, said he gets annual reports of sightings in Lucerne, Mio and Lewiston.

“The area is full of swamp, valleys and excellent hiding places,” Kapa said by telephone from his home Monday. Kapa insists that there are several such creatures. “There has to be more than one,” Kapa said. “But we’re not talking about a tremendous population where you see one whenever you turn a corner.”

Source: Kyle Mizokami, Tuesday, October 30, 1990


Bigfoot in Michigan’s History

Another great report from my friend Gumshoe.

Michigan has a long and rich history of Sasquatches. In fact, the earliest mention of this strangely beast goes back to 1631 long before the French traders would ply the land and missionaries navigated through the settled waters of the Detroit River. Michigan became the 26th state when it gained its statehood more t
Michigan has a long and rich history of Sasquatches. In fact, the earliest mention of this strangely beast goes back to 1631 long before the French traders would ply the land and missionaries navigated through the settled waters of the Detroit River. Michigan became the 26th state when it gained its statehood more than a dozen years after the War of 1612.

Missionaries, fur traders and British and American combatants both wrote about encounters and sightings too. Nearly each since the state became settled there had been singular reports of Sasquatches around the state and in each county.

Most years passed with ‘no’ reports, or a single or two reports in a single year but all of that changed in 1950 when six separate reports and recorded. The lowly precedent all changed in 1962 when twelve Bigfoot reports taken that year. In the next three years, there would of sorts and 41 reports would and the public would have their first real awareness of the strange and illusive animal spotted around the region leaving the public and authorities to deal with the mystery.

The next greatest leap in reported activity occurred in 1978 when there were 46 reports that year surpassing the previous four-year jump that 41 reports over a four-year time period.

In 2006, 28 years later the number of reported Sasquatch (Bigfoot) nearly doubled at 87.

Today there are 1,376 Michigan reports to date.


Other information gleaned from the data:

There were 92 reports of encounters close enough to detail eye color. The overwhelming majority of colors mentioned were red, closely followed by yellow eyes.

There were 28 instances of extraordinarily tall, “Extreme Height” Bigfoots 10 feet or taller.

17 at 10 feet
5 at 11 feet
5 at 12 feet
1 at 16 feet

Colors of Sasquatch ranged from Black, Brown, Blonde, Grey, and White and all variation thereof.


The most active time period are the hours between 7:00PM and 12:00AM midnight.

In springtime May is the peak time of year. July is the most active month of the year during summer months. During the “fall” season from the autumnal equinox period forward November is most active and February is the busiest wintertime month of the season in Michigan.

Of all four seasons the two most active are Summer and Fall, respectively.

To recap, the dawning age of Bigfoot’s march into Michigan’s long history began during the early to mid-1960s and steadily grew and peaked in 2006.


Boaters 29
Camping 215
Farming 141
Fishing 41
Hiking 443
Hunting 260
Motorist 247

Residence 383


Abandoned Houses, Barns, Vehicles 24
Bridges 20
Caves 6
Cemeteries 9
Ditches 18
Going Bathroom 6

Swamps 252


All Fours 38
Tree Breaks 207
Tree and Car Shaking 28
Watching Kids 60
Wearing Clothes 4

Window Peeping 56


Extreme Heights 10 ft. or greater 28
Multiple Animals 76


BF Nest 14
BF Poop 12
Odor 140
Stick Formation 35
Tracks 214
Vocals 450

Wood Knocks 64


LEO 140
Military 12

Other Govt. Agency 57


Aggression 184

Chasing 47
Climbing Trees or Roofs 20
Damage Property 41
Gunfire 20
House Pounding 42
Stalking 54
Stolen Food 26
Stolen Property
Throwing Objects 65
han a dozen years after the War of 1612.

Missionaries, fur traders and British and American combatants both wrote about encounters and sightings too. Nearly each since the state became settled there had been singular reports of Sasquatches around the state and in each county.

Most years passed with ‘no’ reports, or a single or two reports in a single year but all of that changed in 1950 when six separate reports and recorded. The lowly precedent all changed in 1962 when twelve Bigfoot reports taken that year. In the next three years, there would of sorts and 41 reports would and the public would have their first real awareness of the strange and illusive animal spotted around the region leaving the public and authorities to deal with the mystery.

The next greatest leap in reported activity occurred in 1978 when there were 46 reports that year surpassing the previous four-year jump that 41 reports over a four-year time period.

In 2006, 28 years later the number of reported Sasquatch (Bigfoot) nearly doubled at 87.

Today there are 1,376 Michigan reports to date.


Other information gleaned from the data:

There were 92 reports of encounters close enough to detail eye color. The overwhelming majority of colors mentioned were red, closely followed by yellow eyes.

There were 28 instances of extraordinarily tall, “Extreme Height” Bigfoots 10 feet or taller.

17 at 10 feet
5 at 11 feet
5 at 12 feet
1 at 16 feet

Colors of Sasquatch ranged from Black, Brown, Blonde, Grey, and White and all variation thereof.


The most active time period are the hours between 7:00PM and 12:00AM midnight.

In springtime May is the peak time of year. July is the most active month of the year during summer months. During the “fall” season from the autumnal equinox period forward November is most active and February is the busiest wintertime month of the season in Michigan.

Of all four seasons the two most active are Summer and Fall, respectively.

To recap, the dawning age of Bigfoot’s march into Michigan’s long history began during the early to mid-1960s and steadily grew and peaked in 2006.


Boaters 29
Camping 215
Farming 141
Fishing 41
Hiking 443
Hunting 260
Motorist 247

Residence 383


Abandoned Houses, Barns, Vehicles 24
Bridges 20
Caves 6
Cemeteries 9
Ditches 18
Going Bathroom 6

Swamps 252


All Fours 38
Tree Breaks 207
Tree and Car Shaking 28
Watching Kids 60
Wearing Clothes 4

Window Peeping 56


Extreme Heights 10 ft. or greater 28
Multiple Animals 76


BF Nest 14
BF Poop 12
Odor 140
Stick Formation 35
Tracks 214
Vocals 450

Wood Knocks 64


LEO 140
Military 12

Other Govt. Agency 57


Aggression 184

Chasing 47
Climbing Trees or Roofs 20
Damage Property 41
Gunfire 20
House Pounding 42
Stalking 54
Stolen Food 26
Stolen Property
Throwing Objects 65

Bigfoot in your back yard?

From Gum shoe guy:


Urban, Suburban and Rural Bigfoot

Think of it like wheel with and hub, and spokes that reach out in all directions around the center of Detroit. There are roughly 4.75 – 5. 75 million in the greater metropolitan Detroit area of southeast Michigan consisting of six primary and four secondary counties making up a region referred to as southeast Michigan according to (MSA) Michigan statistical areas studies.

Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Livingston, St. Clair and Lapeer

Washtenaw, Lenawee, Genesee and Monroe

Together in all, the ten immediate counties are identified as making up the most populated Detroit metropolitan areas in southeast Michigan had 244 Bigfoot sightings or encounters – is the same area where between 4.75 and 5. 75 million people call home or half of the state’s 10 million people live. If Sasquatches were not comfortable around people per se how does one explain that?

The obvious answer is that Bigfoot live and thrive on the peripherals or fringes of human society and development and you don’t even know it.

A Bigfoot story

Jake and the Bigfoot
In the big darkened woods on a warm moonlit night
He ran behind trees and dodged all the light
The sounds of the night sent chills up his spine
What could he be hearing? What would he find?
The silence was broken by twigs under foot
He hid in the darkness. Should he dare look?
Something approached as he lifted his head
Wide eyed and mouth open, Jake’s heart filled with dread
He fought six year old fear and six year old pride
As he stood toe to toe and swore not to cry
Feet bigger than dad’s and wearing no clothes
Hairy all over, he looked down his nose
At a six year old boy with widened blue eyes
Looking up at this creature. Jake soon realized
This was a Big Foot! It wasn’t a man!
He wasn’t afraid, He took his big hand
He stared in his eyes for what seemed like days
Although never speaking, he shared Big Foot ways.
He could hear in his mind, all the things Big Foot thought
Revealing what he was…….and what he was NOT!
This gentle creation that held Jake’s small hand
Told of his family and how they lived off the land
The experiences, work and games that they played
His home and the forest and friends he had made
Appearing before certain people at times
That understand Mother Nature and God’s awesome signs
The chosen humanity are different than most
The others never see us. Never allowed too close
You’re soft hearted, caring, considerate boy
Brimming with love with a heart full of joy
Jake felt his six year old heart swell with love
For his big footed friend who towered above
He led him past trees where the others awaited
Jake couldn’t believe what God had created
Now running and playing and laughing so free
Experiencing wondrous infinite beauty
But as time passed, they wandered away
Having so much to do, they were done with their play
His big footed friend led him back the spot
Where thanked him for sharing all he was taught
Jake let go of his hand and hugged him so tight
Squeezing his neck with all of his might
He felt love and kindness in the embrace of his friend
As tears filled his eyes he knew it was the end
The beautiful Big Foot cupped his six year old face
And in the silence he felt his heart start to race
He saw beauty and colors and love and lots more
Magnificent things he’d never noticed before
He knew he’d see him again as he walked slowly away
Knowing tomorrow would be a wonderful new day



The relationship between dogs and Bigfoot


The following observation comes from a gentleman that I will refer to as ” Gum shoe”. I know him personally, he is a former police officer and a credible person in the Bigfoot world. He has gathered hundreds of reports, and sightings from all over our state, and he has even had his own  Bigfoot sighting  first hand here in southeastern part of Michigan. He told me that it was a ” Life changing event”. The following article is on the relationship between Bigfoot and dogs, whether domesticated, or wild dogs. I appreciate his knowledge, and insight on the topic. Thanks!!

Gum shoe,

Either adversarial or companion, the two sides of Sasquatch and dogs do seem symbiotic if not complex but that’s our interpretation and I’ll admit that is far as we know or understand about them manly because there is still little known about them. Of about 1,400 reports from a North American perspective the U. S. and Canada cases specific to carcasses that I’ve looked at easily show a vast majority of man’s best friend take the brunt of Bigfoot’s often fickle behavior.

Dogs are territorial and ferociously loyal to a fault and they will defend, or attempt to defend their (family) meaning, man, woman or child with their life and many have died demonstrating their unbridled willingness to defend their family or companion. In my opinion Sasquatches view dogs as an annoyance and a direct threat to their infant babies second only to bears and they will destroy them if needed. Black bears are a favorite staple of Sasquatches and dogs are eaten but, Sasquatches show no tolerance for bears and kill them and eat as opposed to dogs who they can tolerate them but do not kill them to eat as often as other animals. There have been a few instances where Sasquatches have been observed in the company of dogs or wolves too either as pets or for companionship.

Like dogs, Sasquatch will easily dispatch wolves if they threaten or harm their offspring.


Below are example illustrations of Dog and Sasquatch interactions:

Dogs left outside barking and carrying on all night, owners found their dog had bottom jaw ripped off and ribs crushed

My dog was found dead and it looked like some nasty creature killed her

Witnesses see BF and dog grappling before it flees up a ridge in pitch darkness

Dogs shake in fear as whatever made the noises walked by their tent with heavy footfalls

Aggressive Bigfoot run off by village dogs

Family dog found in driveway apparently beaten with bloodied nose and chest

Nervous excited dog fell asleep only after night time screams end

Bigfoot attacks chained dogs

BF tracks found by front door and hide of dog pulled off

Dog hides under porch in fright upon approach of Bigfoot

Dog dragged a deerskin out from the woods turned inside out as one would skin a rabbit

Dog sledder sees a tall shadow figure move very quickly and smoothly between trees while watching the dogs

Dog sniffs around abandoned barn refusing to enter

Sasquatch was enough to scare and ruin his coon dogs out of the woods

Dog found dead in his wire enclosure, had impression of a large animal having “caved” in the wire

Dog not acting typical when suddenly a tree falls across trail

Dogs so frightened they wanted to return to their kennel and hide

Dog found pulled apart

Dog suddenly flew through the air as if kicked right back the way he had come

Dogs found with crushed skulls

Found all three dogs cowering on the back porch as close to the door as they could get when BF approached

A dozen dogs had been beaten, bitten and scratched by Sasquatch(es)

Frightened dog hiding under porch

Family dog was ripped from chain and missing

Dog was torn apart by “something” and a good number of dogs have gone missing from town

Bigfoot attacked dog tossing it 20 feet in the air

Bigfoot charged screaming at my coon dogs while flailing its arms

Sasquatch creature observed fighting with some dogs in the woods

Dog going crazy by strange happenings around the property and woods

Sasquatch picked up dog in fight

Dog prints with blood all around with dog missing

Dog refused to come out of its house and had its paws over its eyes and whined upon approach of Bigfoot

Outside dogs barked loudly, growled madly, then within a few minutes they were whining and trying to hide

Sasquatch seen pulling apart dog kennel

Dog chases Bigfoot into woods never seen or head from again

Dogs strangled to death by Sasquatch

Dog found in a tree impaled on a tree branch

Dog was beaten, not pawed, not clawed, but beaten

Dog teams outside begin barking as something tries to enter the house

Dog cowered and shook

Dog so frightened they would not leave their kennel

“Dog tracks” were found in association with Sasquatch tracks

My dog and step Dad’s dog and neighbors’s dogs came up missing all within a period of a month

Dog hiding under the porch refusing to come out for a month after Bigfoot attack

Coon dogs refused to hunt in the woods since Bigfoot encounter

Dog leaped through glass picture window from fright during approach of Bigfoot

Evidence appears to show the pair —Sasquatch and dog—were traveling together

Native lore, the Sasquatch and coyote are closely connected

Homeowner heard Bigfoot smack his German Shepard dog fright and passivity

Police said 40- to 50-pound bulldog was attacked inside of its own backyard

Saw a big ape-like creature standing and it was extremely big, and it tried to grab my dog

Police say a dog was killed by what seems to be a large predator

Bigfoot was flecked with blood from the dead dog it carried under its arm

Heard sounds of a baby Bigfoot, and a large noise like a protective mother Bigfoot “hitting” my dog

Heard sounds of dogs yipping in pain like they were being attacked

Missing watch dog found with his neck was broken and severely torn up

Heard dogs chasing a bipedal creature through woods and discovers dogs disemboweled

Sees a 6 foot Bigfoot fighting with dogs

Several occasions his dogs would refuse to go in certain areas of woods

Something or someone was unsuccessfully trying to remove the metal screw clamp which secured the Malamute to his leash

Something their coon hounds had treed was tearing the dogs into like tissue paper

Dog found 14 feet up in the crotch of a pinion pine tree with a neck snapped, no teeth marks found

Sheepherder sees her two dogs biting at the heels of a big “hairy man

Bigfoot seen fighting with dog

My dog has been kicked by something and knocked out for a few seconds

Dogs immediately charge Bigfoot at doorway and sees Bigfoot fleeing the yard

Bigfoot hunters have two of their dogs disappear never seen again

In a village near La Peer, nearly all the dogs died in one night

Hunter’s dog laid down on its belly blocking his way from walking toward BF

Cleveland County 911 was called about BF trying to take his dogs, and man wanted permission to kill the animal if it approached

Dog sled dogs attacked

Dog sled dogs attacked

Dog took about three steps out the door and then backed into the house

Pet dog found stomped on and crushed in flower bed by tracks 16 inches

Woman screamed at Sasquatch when it was seen reaching down to take her dog

Bigfoot picked up garbage cans and was throwing them at the dogs

Bigfoot throws lawn chairs at dog cages

Heard a loud yell that sounded like someone yelling HEY!! HEEEEEEEEY!!!! at our dogs

Bigfoot was jumping from tree to tree to avoid dogs

Two small house dogs give chase to BF then come back yelping and scratching door to be let it

Dogs react aggressively at first, then run and hide a few moments later upon approach of Bigfoot

Horseback rider was thrown to the ground, dog ran away for home, and one horse fainted at sight of Bigfoot

6-foot ape attacked and mauled my two dogs

Hunters sent a dog after Sasquatch and later found the dog torn almost in two

Hunters found their dead hounds shortly after they followed and chasing something

Hunter observed a Sasquatch eating a coyote

Sasquatch seen carrying dead hound dog by the tail

Police reported the mysterious monster has a particular aversion to dogs

Coon hunters say a Sasquatch beat their coon dogs

Dog had been torn up in the road and had its leg off and neck bitten open

Our long time family dogs, were found dead with their backs broken

Pitbull on a chain outside had her leg broken and was strangled

Coon hunter seen his coon dog flying over the corn and running away with the others right behind

A dead dog was thrown at hunters from a woodline standing a field

Bigfoot encounter in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

Bigfoot Encounter in Michigan Upper Peninsula

“First time I saw one was in (outside) Toledo, Ohio in 1964. One walked right in front of the bay window that was 5-6 feet off the ground (it was a tall monster). I saw another one in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, that was a close one. I was fishing in a small boat close to the shore when one came close and freaked me out for a long time. I still don’t camp anymore in the woods.

I was about 15, I think, when I went on a camping trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I’m from Toledo, Ohio and have lived close to trees and the woods all my life. Well, I went with an aunt and uncle with the pop up camper (not too safe). It was an okay trip to the campgrounds on some lake in the middle of BFE. The night we got there something took the bag of food my uncle put on a super high tree branch. It was gone in the morning, I knew something was out there. The light brought us out of the camper and we saw the bag was gone (spooky already). Later on in the morning, I wanted to go fishing (in a row boat) of all things. I was probably rowing for a half an hour to get to the other side of the lake and found a cove. So I went in the cove and tossed a line in the water (fishing) it wasn’t but a short time and I heard thunder. That was enough to get me ready to leave as storms are not fun when its cold. As soon as I reeled in the line, I noticed a doe that was standing near the water and getting a drink. She turned to run and froze in her tracks. I looked at the top of the little hill that had a path on it and saw a real live Bigfoot. It was standing up and moving back and forth. I was already in third gear when I saw that. I’ve heard that some of them like human food (me). I don’t know what happened to that baby doe but I’m sure it was caught.” WE
