Bigfoot encounter in Washtenaw County { 2004}
Washtenaw Co 20 Nov 2004 – Ape-Like Creature Seen Crossing Trail; Gray Female Observed
From: R W
While listening to the [police band] radio today, the DNR received a report from two people inside the Waterloo State Recreation area of large 7′ tall, ape-like creature with dark brown fur crossing a trail near Cassidy Lake. The creature was carrying a freshly killed deer under it’s arm according to the two eyewitnesses who saw it cross 25 feet in front of them and apparently they wasted NO time in leaving the area in fear.
From what I remember, they were close to or within 1.5 miles of Cassidy Lake, “on a trail that has a bend on it.” I suspect that they were near or closer to Green Lake in the south side of that area.
Interestingly, one of the DNR officers mentioned that he was wondering if it was the same creature that he spotted last month on the west side of Welch Lake Rd near Seymour Rd [about 7 miles west of the above sighting, which is 5 miles west into Jackson Co. from the Washtenaw Co. border]. He [the other officer] said no, that creature was dark gray in color and clearly a female with breasts from what he could see through his binoculars, but he was only able to observe it for 45 seconds before it moved back into the woods out of sight. Apparently, they must have had an anti-poaching sting going on, or looking for hunters in an area that is off limits to hunting and the creature was observed very nicely from a distance with high-powered binoculars by the DNR officer.
Moreover, he mentioned that the Sheriff’s Dept., had a report nearby north of Chelsea, where a hunter found a large buck with its head tore (twisted?) off, and it’s insides torn out. The hunter had a very weird feeling that he was being watched and heard some large branches snap, he left the area and called the police.
Both of the DNR officers concluded that it was probably the Sasquatch in the area that was responsible. However, if anyone asks him what is he is doing out in the woods with a camera or collecting any evidence, [one of the DNR officers said he would] just tell them that he is looking for signs of poachers. One thing the DNR mentioned, was that no hunter in their right mind would have turned down such a prize buck like the one found north of Chelsea, which was easily a 12 pointer. Apparently, the head was ripped off the body and thrown several yards away, and the poor thing looked like it was beat to death, then had it’s insides cut open and emptied out. However, they did not mention anything about the liver being missing.
I really think that the DNR investigates Sasquatch sightings, but they don’t divulge this to the general public. I mean how would it look if the DNR was out in the woods and they were asking the public if they saw Bigfoot walk through the area lately? However, I have heard three DNR officers say they have actually seen one of these creatures while out in the field, and they have no doubt about it being a reality.
After hearing this today, and all the other reports of dead deer found in the woods across northern Washtenaw County, especially from Whitmore Lake west possibly into Jackson County, leads me to believe that there is a family of Bigfoot creatures in that area. Moreover, I think as the deer herds move this time of the year, so do the Bigfoot creatures following them.
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