St. Clair county Bigfoot
St. Clair County Bigfoot
Posted: 14 Jun 2018 10:13 AM PDT I received an interesting telephone call from a man in Port Huron, Michigan on the night of Tuesday 6/13/2018. He was somewhat nervous, because it was the first time that he had told his story to someone other than family and friends. This narrative begins in the early 1980s while the witness was young man living on his family farm in St. Clair County, Michigan…approximately 8 miles northwest of Port Huron. The first incident occurred when his older sister and her husband where living in a trailer on the property. About 2am she frantically ran into her parent’s house, yelling for her father to grab a gun because something huge had literally picked up the end of the trailer and moved it several feet. There were other incidents of this 7-8 foot red-eyed hairy hominid walking onto the property, literally getting into the livestock pens and storage areas. In fact, it has killed many peacocks and pheasants that the witness’ mother has been raising. The family was on high alert for many years, fearing that the beast would make an attempt to break into the house. One interesting incident occurred when the witness and a friend made their way to the sand dunes on the shore of Lake Huron…which was several miles east of the farm. This beast had literally followed the pair and shadowed them throughout the day. The being was not aggressive, but made the witness very nervous not knowing what would happen. The witness also explained that there had been a strange incident back in the 1940s, when two local girls had gone missing after picking berries. Eventually the pair turned up, but there was never an explanation given as to what happened. Many years later, the witness befriended the woman, who was then in her 70s. He recalled the incident with her. She confided to the witness that ‘we would have never found our way back if it were not for the big hairy man who brought us home.’ There was another incident in 1981, also in St. Clair County, that made the news: