Michigan Bigfoot sightings

St. Clair County Bigfoot

Posted: 14 Jun 2018 10:13 AM PDT

I received an interesting telephone call from a man in Port Huron, Michigan on the night of Tuesday 6/13/2018. He was somewhat nervous, because it was the first time that he had told his story to someone other than family and friends.

This narrative begins in the early 1980s while the witness was young man living on his family farm in St. Clair County, Michigan…approximately 8 miles northwest of Port Huron. The first incident occurred when his older sister and her husband where living in a trailer on the property. About 2am she frantically ran into her parent’s house, yelling for her father to grab a gun because something huge had literally picked up the end of the trailer and moved it several feet.

There were other incidents of this 7-8 foot red-eyed hairy hominid walking onto the property, literally getting into the livestock pens and storage areas. In fact, it has killed many peacocks and pheasants that the witness’ mother has been raising. The family was on high alert for many years, fearing that the beast would make an attempt to break into the house.

One interesting incident occurred when the witness and a friend made their way to the sand dunes on the shore of Lake Huron…which was several miles east of the farm. This beast had literally followed the pair and shadowed them throughout the day. The being was not aggressive, but made the witness very nervous not knowing what would happen.

The witness also explained that there had been a strange incident back in the 1940s, when two local girls had gone missing after picking berries. Eventually the pair turned up, but there was never an explanation given as to what happened. Many years later, the witness befriended the woman, who was then in her 70s. He recalled the incident with her. She confided to the witness that ‘we would have never found our way back if it were not for the big hairy man who brought us home.’

There was another incident in 1981, also in St. Clair County, that made the news:

The Detroit News-Sunday, November 22, 1981

Hairy, red-eyed


BY Ann Cohen
News Staff Writer

Cindy Barone isn’t sure she wants to call the creature, “Bigfoot.”

But something big, hairy and red-eyed has frightened her family three times since September.

Something out there roaming the farm fields of Michigan’s Thumb area is emitting high-pitched screams by night.

“It’s the unknown that scares us,” says Mrs. Barone, whose family last encountered the creature Friday night at their farm home near Yale in St. Clair County.

Tina Barone, 13, said she and her sister, Roxanne, 12, went to the barn to do chores.

“Roxanne was scared to go into the barn because she’d heard noises before,” Tina said. “I said I would go in first, so I reached in for the light.

“I felt fur.

“At first I thought it was a goat or something, so I took my glove off and I touched it again.

“It didn’t look like anything. It was tall with red eyes and big and black and furry and stood on two legs. It had a deep growl.”

Tina told Roxanne to run back to the house. “It scared me so bad I just had to run.” Roxanne said. “I just can’t put what it looked like into any kind of form.”

Tina said she turned and began to walk slowly from the barn but “it started walking out behind me and I started running.”

The creature never tried to harm her, Tina said.

“It let me touch him when I took my glove off, ” she said. “The horses were running around, they were spooked. But it was just curious, whatever it is.”

The girl’s cousin David, 18, got his 16-gauge shotgun to scare the creature away.

“When it stood there and looked at me, it didn’t know what to do and I didn’t either,” said Barone. “It’s unbelievable. Its big.

“It was some kind of animal but I can’t describe what. It was about 6 feet; 6 or 7 feet 6. I didn’t shoot to kill, I just shot in the air to scare it away. It ran into the woods, making a funny noise.

“It was standing on two feet and had real long arms-between a bear and an ape, that’s what I think. I’ve never seen a Bigfoot, so I have no idea if it was one of those.”

Mrs. Barone, 33, said their first encounter with the animal came in September, when her neighbors’ barn door was ripped off at the hinges.

“I’ve had fences torn down and grain barrels dumped over and eaten,” she said. She said her dogs have raced off into the dark, barking at an unknown intruder, and their farm animals have been spooked by some unknown predator many times.

Mrs. Barone said the family is frustrated by the unwillingness of many people, including the local sheriff to take her story seriously.

Mrs. Barone did file a report of the Friday incident with the sheriff’s department but the report contains no mention of her daughter actually seeing an animal.

“There was nothing in our report to indicate this,” said a department spokeswoman, who speculated that Tina actually felt a raccoon or other small, friendly creature.

But Tina is sure she did not feel a typical barnyard animal. “From now on, I’m going to take the camera when I’m doing barn chores in case I see him again, because no one believes us,” she said.

A mysterious creature – called a Sasquatch, or Bigfoot – that walks on two legs and roams wooded areas from coast to coast has been reported many times from coast to coast.

While there is no documented proof of the existence of Bigfoot, films have been made that reportedly show the creature fleeing into a forest and footprints and other evidence have been uncovered which has led many people to believe the creatures do exist.

“I don’t know what it is but I do know it is something,” Mrs. Barone said.

Monsters of the Midwest: True Tales of Bigfoot, Werewolves & Other Legendary Creatures

The Bigfoot Book: The Encyclopedia of Sasquatch, Yeti and Cryptid Primates

Weird Michigan: Your Travel Guide to Michigan’s Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets

Monsters Among Us: An Exploration of Otherworldly Bigfoots, Wolfmen, Portals, Phantoms, and Odd Phenomena

The Michigan Dogman: Werewolves and Other Unknown Canines Across the U.S.A. (Unexplained Presents)

Lon’s Suggested Reading List – Books & Films / DVDs


Daily 2 Cents: Meet the ‘Chicago Phantom’ — MIB on the Subway — The ‘White Woman’ at the Junction

Posted: 14 Jun 2018 10:28 AM PDT

Meet the ‘Chicago Phantom’

Chicago artist Donie Odulio has released a set of illustrations based on the recent sightings of a winged creature surrounding Lake Michigan.

The creature, often described as a large, dark, humanoid figure with an enormous wingspan and glowing red eyes, has been spotted around the great lake in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana–although reports have come in from even farther afield.

“I’ve always been into the paranormal, and came across Chicago Mothman sightings,” Odulio said of his motivation behind the illustrations. “I had read John Keel’s book in the past and saw the Mothman movie so I was familiar with the Point Pleasant sightings. This led me to Lon Strickler’s site and I started reading through all the witness accounts.” Read more at Local Artist Illustrates Flying Humanoid Flap in Chicago


MIB on the Subway

“I know all too well the terror that runs through your veins when you have an encounter. Mine was standing on a subway platform around 1982 as I walked onto the platform. A tall man with a trench coat and hat was staring straight ahead. As soon as I noticed him I knew not who, but what he was. As I walked up and past him a very loud buzzing sound started in my head. It became so loud as I passed him, I had to scream in my head for him to “F” off. As I kept walking past, the sound receded. The train came in and I waited for the doors to open to look at him and see him get on the train, and he was gone.” – Alpha Lite

Beyond Creepy


The ‘White Woman’ at the Junction

Hi, I am Anthony N. from Kenya. I have read your article of the bat-like creature at Illinois and I think I have a paranormal encounter that I think is worth sharing.

One day I was on my way home from school on foot. It was 11 pm I can recall very well. I had stayed long in school studying for it was about exam period. So on this particular day I was the only walking human in the dark. I reached a certain junction where two roads part. There is something strange about this point, for, once one reaches here, you began to feel a great fear that is not normal.

I took the road that lead home and walked for about 5 meters. The great fear was still in me and I could feel all my hair stand. I heard a cat call behind me the followed by a voice calling my full name. The voice was like whisper. I felt my blood run chill but I had enough courage to turn and to my dismay, I saw, at a distance, a white woman dressed in a white full dress, seated on a black thing waving at me. Something about her bothered me. I could see her clearly which was ironic because, the darkness was so thick for me to see my legs.

I was so terrified that I broke into a sprint all the way home. Luckily the didn’t follow me, though I thought so. I reached home panting. After cooling down, I narrated the story to my mum and dad. My mum did not seem to believe me but Dad confessed of having a similar incident at the same place. He advised me to avoid the junction. Till this day that place appears like a black spot to me. AN



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Local Artist Illustrates Flying Humanoid Flap in Chicago

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UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon’s Suggested Reading List – Books & Films / DVDs

Are you an author and believe your book belongs on my ‘Suggested Reading List?’ Contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com in order to request a shipping address or download for my consideration. Lon


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