Possible Bigfoot print in Michigan Metro Park
This is a foot print found in one of Detroit’s metro park in December of 2017. This print was found near some stick structures.
This is a foot print found in one of Detroit’s metro park in December of 2017. This print was found near some stick structures.
It was old probably at least a week. It measured 41/2 by 2 inches. A small BF child stepped in some semi frozen mud by my father-in-law’s [deer] stand. It was faint due to the weather but I noticed the outlines of the three toes and the heel.
Jackson Co 17 Feb 2006 – Found Two More BF Footprints
They were just two footprints of two different individuals. One the same size as the one down by the one deer stand (4″) [as reported 27 Jan 2006] and another one about a size nine or ten men’s about six feet from it. They were faint next to the dammed up area next to the cabin almost in front of the “L” cut. I estimated they walked through there about the time when the temps dropped since the footprints were barely made in the soft soil. I am hazarding a guest that the bigger of the two may be a juvenile, the height of 5’ 8” to 6 foot tall, and the other maybe about three foot tall. It’s unusual that BFs even step in that area near the dam but the wildlife have discovered this new watering hole.
Jackson Co 21 Apr 2006 – Two faint footprints
Tuesday I went out to spread some corn for the turkeys and on the way back along Green’s property line, I found two faint outlines of BF footprints. The discoloration of something standing while it rained the last time left an outline of both feet about six to seven feet spread. The size was about 16″ (?) a guess. At least I know they are around, probably Junior. They sure love being in and around the dammed up part of the channel near the cabin.
Jackson Co 22 May 2006 – 22-Inch Footprint
I was mowing down back beyond the back channel when I found a left footprint measuring 22 inches. It was there for over a week and the rain washed the two impressions away but left the outline. It was the left foot heading southwest into Green’s fields. At the same time I spotted a flash of movement near one of Green’s brush piles and it was about my height (five ten to five eleven). It scared the crap out of me since I wasn’t prepared to see anything. Then I got a feeling I was being watched from three different places.
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Jackson Co 04 Nov 2002 – Sightings on Farm of Two BFs Near Michigan Center
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My sister-in-law Kris has some friends who live in Michigan Center [a town east of Jackson off 1-27 south] who have been terrorized by two large BFs at night for the past week. This is what I know so far: It started last week when the people living in a farm house saw two pair of green glowing eyes just outside their porch light area. Screams coming from the creatures sound like a banshee and [they] have killed and ripped apart a deer near the house. I don’t know whether they witnessed this or not but they did see the deer carcass in their yard. There have been eight witnesses and one man (owner?) had to flee back inside because of them. The house is about one hundred years old and familiar to the landscape of the area.
The descriptions of the BFs are sketchy. Six feet plus tall and one is taller than the other (whether its a male/female pair or juvenile and adult is in question). They have approached the house under the cover of darkness and may have walked on the porch. (I’m not too clear on that at the moment. These people are terrified.
04 Nov 2002 – More Information About the Multiple BF Sightings
I talked with Kris, and the new information is as follows: The creatures have been around for a long time (i.e. the woman lived there most of her life). They have a definite pattern. They appear for three nights and don’t on two nights. If this is the pattern, then they are on a two night cycle last night and tonight. Then tomorrow through Friday they should appear. The woman claims when she was a little girl that her father talked about something being there.
They have found a number of footprints measuring maybe eighteen inches long. One BF has pushed on a car at night and the resident took off.
07 Nov 2002 – New Information
Josh, the person who I will be talking to this Saturday, said that the creatures are back last night and the same banshee screams could be heard. Apparently, his mother who lives there, doesn’t think the creatures exists based on my two recent calls to their house. To let you know, the property is about seventy acres, with a barn and an old cabin, so there is a lot of cover where the creatures are coming in and hiding. Their appearances always come at night around midnight.
West Branch, Michigan will be hosting ” Bigfoot Days” this coming April the 21st, 2018. There will be many quality speakers from around the Michigan area, including the legendary Doctor Jeff Meldrum. Dr. Meldrum will be sharing his knowledge and expertise on everything Bigfoot. More details to follow.