Some thoughts on Dogman

Is Dogman Real?
Is Dogman a Misidentified Bigfoot Sasquatch? I am on the fence about that and therefore cannot answer that question affirmatively or not. I am ambivalent and hold mixed impartial feelings but I am certainly aware of the Dogman reports in Michigan and across the United States especially by those I consider extremely trustworthy and credible witnesses.
When I say I am on the fence about I am mean this is my declared manifesto.
My entire focus is on Bigfoot Sasquatches not Dogman but, I do find it odd and dubious that Dogman reports are rarely reported in Canada why?
Bigfoot Sasquatches have long been described as “werewolves” and quite frankly some of them do resemble Hollywood’s depiction of “werewolves, ”but even I can see the likeness and understand how it is possible for witnesses misinterpret and assign dogman to Bigfoot Sasquatches especially if you see them running on all fours as quadrupeds do such as domesticated and wolf-like canids normally do.
What do I know ? If observing and correlating Bigfoot activity based on cyclical lunar patterns of elapsed cycles from one new moon to the next. It is generally understood that Bigfoot activity increases substantially during the waning or “dark” phases of the moon’s 29-day synodical period not exactly what Hollywood has conditioned us to believe about werewolves and the full moon and all.
I would like to get my readers feedback, and, or, experiences on this topic.


Bigfoot traits Sleeping

Q: Where Do They Sleep?
They have been known to sleep standing up, and have been found sleeping in backyards. They sleep most anywhere.
A: Anywhere, including the fringes of inner, suburbia and rural America.
There are several Native American legends claiming they live in caves or in holes they dig in the ground. Accounts of Zana claim she dug out a hole to sleep in. I read one article where an Indian described his encounters with sasquatches he had and he remarked on what was passed down to him, that they reside in caves and hide the entrances to where you can never find them even up in trees, abandoned barns, houses old cellars.
Some of the Native American stories of people who were kidnapped and escaped spoke of being in a cave with family members. None of the most dangerous big cities or exclusive pristeen gated communities can or will discourage Bigfoot Sasquatches from checking things out.
Demographics are of no concern to Bigfoot. What matters is food, water shelter and security for their survival.
There is also evidence of them making beds out of vegetation they lie on. I would think for the traveling sasquatch that would of necessity be the case. Although they are powerfully strong with reportedly thick fingernails and perhaps they can dig out a little den in a short time as needed. They may pull thickets over and burrow out a bed for a single or multiple animals. From what many report they have have found burrows or cave like places in the mountains and around rivers and creeks with footprints leading to them.
I think that they have caves as their main residence and then make nests/beds in the open when needed and there is plenty of caves and Bigfoot. Even though some believe they do not live in caves but I cannot agree with proposition. Every animal including humans seeks shelter when the weather gets really bad.
This would explain why they are hard to find too. Disappearing during the day or slipping underground in mines, caves, karsts when its too hot or cold would not be too farfetched. Bigfoots have been known to sleep standing u, as such they would hug chimneys to stay warm at night or find shelter in those abandoned barns even houses and buildings. Bigfoots have been known to shelter in abandoned campers truck trailers railroad cars and junk yards.
May be an anime-style image

Is Bigfoot living in caves?

Where is your county?
Compare and Contrast
It has been suggested that Bigfoot Sasquatches inhabit caves. In spite of the fact that I do not believe in coincidences there seems to be plenty of interesting anomalies that take occur in counties in close proximity to karsts, caves, mines, quarries and pits. Limestone formations where these may occur naturally. If you know where Bigfoot events occur you will easily see the correlations too.
Karst is a type of landscape where the dissolving of the bedrock has created sinkholes, sinking streams, caves, springs, and other characteristic features. … After traveling underground, sometimes for long distances, this water is then discharged from springs, many of which are cave entrances.
May be an image of map and text