Possible Bigfoot sighting at the Waterloo game area
The following picture was taken several years ago by a gentleman whom we will refer to as ” Gum Shoe”, he is a former law enforcement officer who wishes to remain nameless. He and another Bigfoot investigator Bob, were out in the Waterloo- Pinkney State game area examining what they thought might be a possible Bigfoot bed. Bob was on the ground examining the bedding, while Gum Shoe was taking pictures in the area. Gum Shoe did not realize until later while going back through his pictures did he see what looks like a dark figure looking back at him. A little unnerving thinking back to that day that that they were being observed. The figure was about 50 yards from the photographer at the time. In addition Gum Shoe relates that while this was going on he was feeling agitated, which could be the result of possibly being zapped.
I know this is another grainy, fuzzy picture but is still interesting. You be the judge.