Bigfoot message?

Rock design
Overnight rock design on my deck
November 26, 2019 by Linda Godfrey
An overnight gift on my deck? Something unusual turned up this morning on my backyard deck which overlooks part of the Green Belt that connects hiking paths around the city where I live.
My bedroom window overlooks it directly. I once had a wired-in, infra-red motion detector focused on the yard there but something bit the wire in two! That was a few months ago. But just lately, I’ve been getting wood knocks in groups of 3 from the woods back there. Always a few minutes after I turned my light off.
A couple of nights ago, the knocks occurred immediately after I turned off my light. I told the Hubz but I wasn’t too excited, could have been lots of things. Last night around 8 or 9 pm some of the neighborhood dogs started barking in alarm mode. Again, I’d usually figure a deer or rabbit, coyote or whatever…until whatever was being barked at decided it had enough and made that super deep “hobita-hobita” growel + vowel sound that I and many others have associated with Brother Bigfoot or Sister Squatch. The barking stopped immediately. Again I mentioned it to my resident skeptic and he said, “Hmph.” So this morning I took a look out there and was shocked to see a perfect circle of 5 white landscape rocks laid out on the deck near the back rail. They had to have been carried from some edging close to the house. I know my neighbors…none of them would have sneaked onto my yard to make a little rock feature for me. The deck is surrounded by wilted plant debris so no footprints. Here are a few pix from my photo record. And the quarter and standard card deck are for size comparison, not a test to see if my visitor wants to ante up for a game of poker. BTW the woods were completely silent…no squirrels, birds etc. Eerie!
Open for discussion
Do You Believe the Hair of Bigfoot Sasquatches Changes White with Winter? Why Doesn’t Our Hair Change with Winter?
Bigfoot Extraordinary Abilities
Dogs and their relationship with Bigfoot
Either adversarial or companion, the two sides of Sasquatch and dogs do seem symbiotic if not complex but that’s our interpretation and I’ll admit that is far as we know or understand about them manly because there is still little known about them. Of about 1,400 reports from a North American perspective the U. S. and Canada cases specific to carcasses that I’ve looked at easily show a vast majority of man’s best friend take the brunt of Bigfoot’s often fickle behavior.
Dogs are territorial and ferociously loyal to a fault and they will defend, or attempt to defend their (family) meaning, man, woman or child with their life and many have died demonstrating their unbridled willingness to defend their family or companion. In my opinion Sasquatches view dogs as an annoyance and a direct threat to their infant babies second only to bears and they will destroy them if needed. Black bears are a favorite staple of Sasquatches and dogs are eaten but, Sasquatches show no tolerance for bears and kill them and eat as opposed to dogs who they can tolerate them but do not kill them to eat as often as other animals. There have been a few instances where Sasquatches have been observed in the company of dogs or wolves too either as pets or for companionship. Like dogs, Sasquatch will easily dispatch wolves if they threaten or harm their offspring. —————— Below are example illustrations of Dog and Sasquatch interactions: Dogs left outside barking and carrying on all night, owners found their dog had bottom jaw ripped off and ribs crushed My dog was found dead and it looked like some nasty creature killed her Witnesses see BF and dog grappling before it flees up a ridge in pitch darkness Dogs shake in fear as whatever made the noises walked by their tent with heavy footfalls Aggressive Bigfoot run off by village dogs Family dog found in driveway apparently beaten with bloodied nose and chest Nervous excited dog fell asleep only after night time screams end Bigfoot attacks chained dogs BF tracks found by front door and hide of dog pulled off Dog hides under porch in fright upon approach of Bigfoot Dog dragged a deerskin out from the woods turned inside out as one would skin a rabbit Dog sledder sees a tall shadow figure move very quickly and smoothly between trees while watching the dogs Dog sniffs around abandoned barn refusing to enter Sasquatch was enough to scare and ruin his coon dogs out of the woods Dog found dead in his wire enclosure, had impression of a large animal having “caved” in the wire Dog not acting typical when suddenly a tree falls across trail Dogs so frightened they wanted to return to their kennel and hide Dog found pulled apart Dog suddenly flew through the air as if kicked right back the way he had come Dogs found with crushed skulls Found all three dogs cowering on the back porch as close to the door as they could get when BF approached A dozen dogs had been beaten, bitten and scratched by Sasquatch(es) Frightened dog hiding under porch Family dog was ripped from chain and missing Dog was torn apart by “something” and a good number of dogs have gone missing from town Bigfoot attacked dog tossing it 20 feet in the air Bigfoot charged screaming at my coon dogs while flailing its arms Sasquatch creature observed fighting with some dogs in the woods Dog going crazy by strange happenings around the property and woods Sasquatch picked up dog in fight Dog prints with blood all around with dog missing Dog refused to come out of its house and had its paws over its eyes and whined upon approach of Bigfoot Outside dogs barked loudly, growled madly, then within a few minutes they were whining and trying to hide Sasquatch seen pulling apart dog kennel Dog chases Bigfoot into woods never seen or head from again Dogs strangled to death by Sasquatch Dog found in a tree impaled on a tree branch Dog was beaten, not pawed, not clawed, but beaten Dog teams outside begin barking as something tries to enter the house Dog cowered and shook Dog so frightened they would not leave their kennel “Dog tracks” were found in association with Sasquatch tracks My dog and step Dad’s dog and neighbors’s dogs came up missing all within a period of a month Dog hiding under the porch refusing to come out for a month after Bigfoot attack Coon dogs refused to hunt in the woods since Bigfoot encounter Dog leaped through glass picture window from fright during approach of Bigfoot Evidence appears to show the pair —Sasquatch and dog—were traveling together Native lore, the Sasquatch and coyote are closely connected Homeowner heard Bigfoot smack his German Shepard dog fright and passivity Police said 40- to 50-pound bulldog was attacked inside of its own backyard Saw a big ape-like creature standing and it was extremely big, and it tried to grab my dog Police say a dog was killed by what seems to be a large predator Bigfoot was flecked with blood from the dead dog it carried under its arm Heard sounds of a baby Bigfoot, and a large noise like a protective mother Bigfoot “hitting” my dog Heard sounds of dogs yipping in pain like they were being attacked Missing watch dog found with his neck was broken and severely torn up Heard dogs chasing a bipedal creature through woods and discovers dogs disemboweled Sees a 6 foot Bigfoot fighting with dogs Several occasions his dogs would refuse to go in certain areas of woods Something or someone was unsuccessfully trying to remove the metal screw clamp which secured the Malamute to his leash Something their coon hounds had treed was tearing the dogs into like tissue paper Dog found 14 feet up in the crotch of a pinion pine tree with a neck snapped, no teeth marks found Sheepherder sees her two dogs biting at the heels of a big “hairy man Bigfoot seen fighting with dog My dog has been kicked by something and knocked out for a few seconds Dogs immediately charge Bigfoot at doorway and sees Bigfoot fleeing the yard Bigfoot hunters have two of their dogs disappear never seen again In a village near La Peer, nearly all the dogs died in one night Hunter’s dog laid down on its belly blocking his way from walking toward BF Cleveland County 911 was called about BF trying to take his dogs, and man wanted permission to kill the animal if it approached Dog sled dogs attacked Dog sled dogs attacked Dog took about three steps out the door and then backed into the house Pet dog found stomped on and crushed in flower bed by tracks 16 inches Woman screamed at Sasquatch when it was seen reaching down to take her dog Bigfoot picked up garbage cans and was throwing them at the dogs Bigfoot throws lawn chairs at dog cages Heard a loud yell that sounded like someone yelling HEY!! HEEEEEEEEY!!!! at our dogs Bigfoot was jumping from tree to tree to avoid dogs Two small house dogs give chase to BF then come back yelping and scratching door to be let it Dogs react aggressively at first, then run and hide a few moments later upon approach of Bigfoot Horseback rider was thrown to the ground, dog ran away for home, and one horse fainted at sight of Bigfoot 6-foot ape attacked and mauled my two dogs Hunters sent a dog after Sasquatch and later found the dog torn almost in two Hunters found their dead hounds shortly after they followed and chasing something Hunter observed a Sasquatch eating a coyote Sasquatch seen carrying dead hound dog by the tail Police reported the mysterious monster has a particular aversion to dogs Coon hunters say a Sasquatch beat their coon dogs Dog had been torn up in the road and had its leg off and neck bitten open Our long time family dogs, were found dead with their backs broken Pitbull on a chain outside had her leg broken and was strangled Coon hunter seen his coon dog flying over the corn and running away with the others right behind A dead dog was thrown at hunters from a woodline standing a field |
Bigfoot Behavior

How do you know when Bigfoot is present?
How do you know if Bigfoot is in your vicinity? Check out the following traits of Bigfoot behavior presented by my good friend GumShoe. Who is a Bigfoot researcher and witness. Thank you for your insight.
1. General “feeling” of uneasiness, fear or anxiousness, feeling of being watched while in the area.
2. Foul odor, resembling sewerage, rotting meat, sickening sweet and rancid.
3. Noises, unusual bird, or other unidentifiable noises, vocalizations which sound human but cannot be
understood, whistles, hearing footsteps as if being followed, small sticks breaking, large sticks striking trees, rocks being hit together, tapping, rapid movement in trees, brush, etc., but cannot see what is creating the movement.
4. Actions and reactions of people, if any, in the area. Fear, confusion, relating unexplained occurrences
5. Actions and reactions of animals in the area, fear, flight, agitation, disobedience, distraction, etc.
– (many dogs in the same area will bark without stopping throughout the night) cats, horses, cattle, deer, birds, show signs of distress, insects and frogs at night may become quiet for no apparent reason.
6. Disturbance or changes in foliage or ground, breakage of limbs or tree tops, trees and brush moved to
block trails, pulled down from different directions in what appears to be a “shelter” or “windbreak” woven patterns in sticks and trees, sometimes resembling “fences” gouge marks in the dirt or footprints. Misc. items or moved or missing in area. Missing animals, wild and domestic. These are some of the
most obvious things I would attribute to a Bigfoot creature being in a particular area. These are the things most easily recognized.
Numbers, 1 through 6 above are absent.
There is a STARK contrast between these two situations, although BOTH sets of circumstances occur in the SAME area. A pattern emerges where these things are occurring (not occurring) at differing, specific times of the year. Note: If there have been obvious signs of disturbance of trees or foliage, this stops and the area does not continue to change as a result. The first time I noticed this pattern I was really unsettled. It seemed the forest had become “empty” overnight. I spent hours in the woods each day, trying to figure out what had happened, why it was so quiet. I’d have to say, if you experience all 1 through 6 simultaneously, then suddenly it ALL STOPS, it’s pretty easy to determine that the Bigfoot creatures have left the area. In reverse, when these things begin occurring again, it’s obvious that they have returned. Carene Source: Western Bigfoot Society, March, 2001 Track Record# 105
Source: Carene, Western Bigfoot Society, March, 2001 Track Record# 105
The relationship between dogs and Bigfoot
The following observation comes from a gentleman that I will refer to as ” Gum shoe”. I know him personally, he is a former police officer and a credible person in the Bigfoot world. He has gathered hundreds of reports, and sightings from all over our state, and he has even had his own Bigfoot sighting first hand here in southeastern part of Michigan. He told me that it was a ” Life changing event”. The following article is on the relationship between Bigfoot and dogs, whether domesticated, or wild dogs. I appreciate his knowledge, and insight on the topic. Thanks!!
Gum shoe,
Either adversarial or companion, the two sides of Sasquatch and dogs do seem symbiotic if not complex but that’s our interpretation and I’ll admit that is far as we know or understand about them manly because there is still little known about them. Of about 1,400 reports from a North American perspective the U. S. and Canada cases specific to carcasses that I’ve looked at easily show a vast majority of man’s best friend take the brunt of Bigfoot’s often fickle behavior.
Dogs are territorial and ferociously loyal to a fault and they will defend, or attempt to defend their (family) meaning, man, woman or child with their life and many have died demonstrating their unbridled willingness to defend their family or companion. In my opinion Sasquatches view dogs as an annoyance and a direct threat to their infant babies second only to bears and they will destroy them if needed. Black bears are a favorite staple of Sasquatches and dogs are eaten but, Sasquatches show no tolerance for bears and kill them and eat as opposed to dogs who they can tolerate them but do not kill them to eat as often as other animals. There have been a few instances where Sasquatches have been observed in the company of dogs or wolves too either as pets or for companionship.
Like dogs, Sasquatch will easily dispatch wolves if they threaten or harm their offspring.
Below are example illustrations of Dog and Sasquatch interactions:
Dogs left outside barking and carrying on all night, owners found their dog had bottom jaw ripped off and ribs crushed
My dog was found dead and it looked like some nasty creature killed her
Witnesses see BF and dog grappling before it flees up a ridge in pitch darkness
Dogs shake in fear as whatever made the noises walked by their tent with heavy footfalls
Aggressive Bigfoot run off by village dogs
Family dog found in driveway apparently beaten with bloodied nose and chest
Nervous excited dog fell asleep only after night time screams end
Bigfoot attacks chained dogs
BF tracks found by front door and hide of dog pulled off
Dog hides under porch in fright upon approach of Bigfoot
Dog dragged a deerskin out from the woods turned inside out as one would skin a rabbit
Dog sledder sees a tall shadow figure move very quickly and smoothly between trees while watching the dogs
Dog sniffs around abandoned barn refusing to enter
Sasquatch was enough to scare and ruin his coon dogs out of the woods
Dog found dead in his wire enclosure, had impression of a large animal having “caved” in the wire
Dog not acting typical when suddenly a tree falls across trail
Dogs so frightened they wanted to return to their kennel and hide
Dog found pulled apart
Dog suddenly flew through the air as if kicked right back the way he had come
Dogs found with crushed skulls
Found all three dogs cowering on the back porch as close to the door as they could get when BF approached
A dozen dogs had been beaten, bitten and scratched by Sasquatch(es)
Frightened dog hiding under porch
Family dog was ripped from chain and missing
Dog was torn apart by “something” and a good number of dogs have gone missing from town
Bigfoot attacked dog tossing it 20 feet in the air
Bigfoot charged screaming at my coon dogs while flailing its arms
Sasquatch creature observed fighting with some dogs in the woods
Dog going crazy by strange happenings around the property and woods
Sasquatch picked up dog in fight
Dog prints with blood all around with dog missing
Dog refused to come out of its house and had its paws over its eyes and whined upon approach of Bigfoot
Outside dogs barked loudly, growled madly, then within a few minutes they were whining and trying to hide
Sasquatch seen pulling apart dog kennel
Dog chases Bigfoot into woods never seen or head from again
Dogs strangled to death by Sasquatch
Dog found in a tree impaled on a tree branch
Dog was beaten, not pawed, not clawed, but beaten
Dog teams outside begin barking as something tries to enter the house
Dog cowered and shook
Dog so frightened they would not leave their kennel
“Dog tracks” were found in association with Sasquatch tracks
My dog and step Dad’s dog and neighbors’s dogs came up missing all within a period of a month
Dog hiding under the porch refusing to come out for a month after Bigfoot attack
Coon dogs refused to hunt in the woods since Bigfoot encounter
Dog leaped through glass picture window from fright during approach of Bigfoot
Evidence appears to show the pair —Sasquatch and dog—were traveling together
Native lore, the Sasquatch and coyote are closely connected
Homeowner heard Bigfoot smack his German Shepard dog fright and passivity
Police said 40- to 50-pound bulldog was attacked inside of its own backyard
Saw a big ape-like creature standing and it was extremely big, and it tried to grab my dog
Police say a dog was killed by what seems to be a large predator
Bigfoot was flecked with blood from the dead dog it carried under its arm
Heard sounds of a baby Bigfoot, and a large noise like a protective mother Bigfoot “hitting” my dog
Heard sounds of dogs yipping in pain like they were being attacked
Missing watch dog found with his neck was broken and severely torn up
Heard dogs chasing a bipedal creature through woods and discovers dogs disemboweled
Sees a 6 foot Bigfoot fighting with dogs
Several occasions his dogs would refuse to go in certain areas of woods
Something or someone was unsuccessfully trying to remove the metal screw clamp which secured the Malamute to his leash
Something their coon hounds had treed was tearing the dogs into like tissue paper
Dog found 14 feet up in the crotch of a pinion pine tree with a neck snapped, no teeth marks found
Sheepherder sees her two dogs biting at the heels of a big “hairy man
Bigfoot seen fighting with dog
My dog has been kicked by something and knocked out for a few seconds
Dogs immediately charge Bigfoot at doorway and sees Bigfoot fleeing the yard
Bigfoot hunters have two of their dogs disappear never seen again
In a village near La Peer, nearly all the dogs died in one night
Hunter’s dog laid down on its belly blocking his way from walking toward BF
Cleveland County 911 was called about BF trying to take his dogs, and man wanted permission to kill the animal if it approached
Dog sled dogs attacked
Dog sled dogs attacked
Dog took about three steps out the door and then backed into the house
Pet dog found stomped on and crushed in flower bed by tracks 16 inches
Woman screamed at Sasquatch when it was seen reaching down to take her dog
Bigfoot picked up garbage cans and was throwing them at the dogs
Bigfoot throws lawn chairs at dog cages
Heard a loud yell that sounded like someone yelling HEY!! HEEEEEEEEY!!!! at our dogs
Bigfoot was jumping from tree to tree to avoid dogs
Two small house dogs give chase to BF then come back yelping and scratching door to be let it
Dogs react aggressively at first, then run and hide a few moments later upon approach of Bigfoot
Horseback rider was thrown to the ground, dog ran away for home, and one horse fainted at sight of Bigfoot
6-foot ape attacked and mauled my two dogs
Hunters sent a dog after Sasquatch and later found the dog torn almost in two
Hunters found their dead hounds shortly after they followed and chasing something
Hunter observed a Sasquatch eating a coyote
Sasquatch seen carrying dead hound dog by the tail
Police reported the mysterious monster has a particular aversion to dogs
Coon hunters say a Sasquatch beat their coon dogs
Dog had been torn up in the road and had its leg off and neck bitten open
Our long time family dogs, were found dead with their backs broken
Pitbull on a chain outside had her leg broken and was strangled
Coon hunter seen his coon dog flying over the corn and running away with the others right behind
A dead dog was thrown at hunters from a woodline standing a field