What Do Bigfoots Want from Humans?
Sightings of bigfoots and various other forms of contact with them can be classified into 3 categories:
(1) Accidental Contact, as when a bigfoot is seen crossing a road in front of a moving car, or heard screaming at nite.
(2) Human Planned Contact, resulting from a person actively seeking evidence of or an encounter with a bigfoot.
(3) Bigfoot Initiated Contact, in which the bigfoot actively seeks or initiates some form of contact with humans.
On the one hand, it is obvious that bigfoots in general have an overwhelming desire to not be seen by humans. But on the other hand, there is reported a very strong pattern of bigfoots approaching humans (both in the forest and around homes), when they could more easily just keep their distance and remain entirely unknown. In these situations, they apparently do want something from us, or something associated with us. Understanding what they want is the key to increasing both the frequency and quality of our contacts with the bigfoot.
The types of contact initiated by a bigfoot include: looking into the window of a house, throwing things at a house or banging on it, approaching homesites and observing activities of humans outdoors, approaching campers and others out in the woods.
When food is taken, it is obvious what the bigfoot wants. But why do the other forms of bigfoot initiated contact occur? The more we understand the why, the more likely we are to be able to encourage that type of contact and increase its frequency. To know why bigfoots initiate contact with us, we need to know what it is they want from us.
Here are some of the possible reasons for bigfoots initiating contact with us. Perhaps other reasons can add to the list.
(1) Food, and sometimes drink. Anything edible left outside or growing near someone’s home may be desirable to a bigfoot. In dry weather, any source of water, such as a swimming pool, artificial pond, watering trough, or even a water spigot.
(2) Security. Defense of territory or family. Bigfoots may approach humans in the woods, follow them, vocalize, break branches, throw objects, and while humans are in their tents, enter campsites and even make contact with tents. Their motivation may be that they want the humans out of their territory. Perhaps the humans are near a bigfoot food source, or there is a mother and infant nearby.
(3) Curiosity. Their desire to watch what humans are doing or hear the sounds they are making (including our entertainment media). If bigfoot hearing is more sensitive than human’s, then they may be able to hear our voices, TV, radio, and music while hiding nearby, even with the house’s
doors and windows closed. There are many reports of a bigfoot looking into a window. The closer they approach the home (most often at nite), the more likely they are to be seen by humans. Curiosity may also be the motivation for them to approach campsites, especially when there is no sign of aggression by the bigfoot. Many reports suggest that bigfoots may be especially curious about human infants and small children.
(4) Boredom. Many zoos recognize the need for “enrichment activities” for their animals. If, at least at certain times of the year, bigfoots have leftover time after satisfying their need for food, they may then seek interesting things to occupy their time, such as watching humans and their activities.
(5) Loneliness. The assumed and very likely low population density of bigfoots may result in some individuals having long periods with no contact with their fellow beings. This may explain those reports of a bigfoot frequently spending time right outside a house at nite, sometimes tapping on siding or windows and making low volume vocalizations. Loneliness may also be a motivation for the reported cases of long term contact and habituation. Since humans so often tend to view bigfoots as fearsome monsters, a bigfoot is not likely to find a human friend. But in some cases loneliness or a need for friendship may be a motivating factor for a bigfoot to approach humans.
(6) Comfortable Life Style. Bigfoots may realize that humans always seem to have food, shelter, and entertainment. They may come in close to observe these things with some idea of trying to improve their own life style.
On the one hand, it is obvious that bigfoots in general have an overwhelming desire to not be seen by humans. But on the other hand, there is reported a very strong pattern of bigfoots approaching humans (both in the forest and around homes), when they could more easily just keep their distance and remain entirely unknown. In these situations, they apparently do want something from us, or something associated with us. Understanding what they want is the key to increasing both the frequency and quality of our contacts with the bigfoot.