Sasquatch behavoiors

Sasquatch Behavior By SRA Andy
Most people think that we do not know much about the behavior of sasquatches; however, that simply is not the case. Through years of study and eye witness testimony, we have seen the same behavior patterns over and over, giving us a fairly good understanding of at least many aspects of their behavior and lifestyles, even if we do not usually know why they do what they do. This page contains a discussion on the various aspects of sasquatch behavior that we has seen and studied.
Crepuscular (active both day and night); however, they do tend to be most active in the evening and early night and again in the early morning hours before dawn and into the morning.
We really do not know their exact organization at this time, but based on field observations over many years, it appears that they live in family units composed of a mature male, one or more mature females, and whatever juveniles still remain with the family. For instance, one family we’ve been monitoring over the past 6 years has a large male about 9 to 10 feet tall; two 7 to 8 foot females, one gray (possibly with age) and a dark one; two others between 6 and 7 feet tall; and two young ones (this is based on footprints and sightings in 2009; the young are likely larger now).
We hypothesize that young adult males leave the family unit and seek out families of their own. These likely account for many lone sightings. Also, the young may band together in bachelor groups at this stage. Again, these are all theories and are not yet proven. It is highly possible that they have a different structure, living in family bands that are linked to other nearby bands in a clan structure or tribe, not unlike many First Nations people prior to the arrival of Europeans.
We can’t be sure at this time whether they are advanced great apes or very primitive humans. Their traits and behavior seem to suggest both, so we have to consider that their society might be more complex than that of the great apes.
Sasquatches exhibit many behavioral traits of the great apes, but also traits of humans:
Ape-like Traits Lack of fire usage Very limited, if any tool usage/manufacture Lack of a sclera (white of the eye) Metatarsal hinge in the foot Sagital crest Human-like traits Bipedalism Possible language Language mimicry Possibly a more advanced social structure Until science gets and analyzes their DNA, it will be impossible to answer the question of whether they are ape or some sort of relict homonin.
Sasquatches usually seem to take hiding from us to extreme levels. We knew that they were cautious when observing us, but it wasn’t until we started using handheld thermals that we realized just how stealthy they are. Even in pure darkness, they still ghost in from tree to tree, often crawling on all fours or on their bellies to get a closer look at us. Many researchers have reported these sorts of behaviors.
We have also noticed that in darkened conditions they will often position themselves in the environment so as to appear as something natural, a dark bush, a stump, a rock, etc… Many witnesses who have had rock throwing incidents also report seeing dark objects near their camp that they assume was a stump or tree, only to find in the morning that the object isn’t there.
They also appear to make and use groomed trails that parallel human settlements and trails. These trails are typically free of intersecting branches up to heights of ten or more feet. The trails themselves are not very wide and are concave in cross-section. These trails are usually clear of debris and do not have the hoof marks associated with other game trails. It is often very difficult to find a squatch trail; the entrances are usually well hidden, though they are sometimes marked by a twisted branch.
As stealthy as they are, they sometimes, inexplicably, show themselves to us. There are many, many reports depicting squatches that seem unconcerned about being viewed by us. We don’t know why they will sometimes go to ninja-like extremes to avoid detection, only to be seen in broad daylight another day. It does appear though that cautious and secretive behavior is the norm for the species, and the other sightings depict atypical behavior brought on by unknown conditions or even individual preferences.
Very few animals will actually follow a human in the forest. Most large animals will run away or at least stay hidden. Known exceptions to this are hungry grizzlies and mountain lions. One won’t typically know that they are following you until it is too late. The other exception is sasquatch. Many reports include stalking/paralleling behavior. Typically, the squatches ghost alongside the witness, paralleling the path the humans are on. Sometimes they are very stealthy and are only revealed by a glimpse or two of movement, or the odd branch break here or there. In these types of stalking, the people typically don’t associate the stalking with sasquatch until some other event or sighting transpires.
Other times, the squatches are very noticeable, seemingly going out of their way to break things and make noise, possibly in an attempt to frighten or intimidate the people into leaving the area. These encounters can be quite frightening.
Stories of rocks, sticks, and other items being thrown at or near people in the wilderness of North America go back more than a century. It is quite often one of the first indications that there may be squatches present. Throwing rocks and sticks as a means of intimidation is a behavior trait found in all of the great apes and, frankly, humans as well, only ours have progressed from rocks and sticks to guided missiles. One important note about thrown objects is that no other animals in North America can do it. It takes arms and hands to throw an object, traits that are restricted to primates, which in North America leaves humans and squatches. If one can rule out something falling from a tree and human pranking, there isn’t much else that can throw something.
Squatches appear to throw things for three reasons that we have experienced:
Intimidation—they throw rocks and sticks to scare and drive an intruder away. They seldom actually hit people, but do unerringly hit near us, quite often in very dark conditions. There are reliable stories of rocks being slammed down at people’s feet, whacking into tree trunks next to a researcher’s head, and even one story of a camera being knocked out of someone’s hand by a rock. Curiosity—many times when we’ve been camping on areas known for squatch encounters, we’ve had small twigs, berries, cones, pebbles, etc. thrown into camp. Sometimes this happens when people are around a campfire. Sometimes the items are tossed at a tent with people in it. We don’t know why they do this, but we think they may be testing us to see how we will react. Hunting—this is an assumption, based on how well and how powerful they throw rocks at us, but it would make sense that if they throw as well as they seem to, they could also use rocks to hunt small game.
Other than throwing rocks at us, as discussed previously, squatches use other typical primate threat displays, including stomping, tree shaking, branch braking, chest beating/puffing, swaying, and advancing/rushing. All of these behaviors have been documented through numerous encounter reports. What is also interesting is these same behaviors can be seen in both the great apes and humans.
Refer also to Zapping for a discussion on another reported phenomenon that sometimes occurs in conjunction with these intimidation displays.
Squatches seem to be very curious about the things in their environment, especially new things, such as a group of invading humans. More than just keeping an eye on us, they sometimes seem fascinated by us and our trappings. Many encounters occur when the squatches sneak into human camps after the humans have gone to sleep and go through the camp. Seldom do they take anything, even food that has been left out. They seem content to just look at and examine the things in the human’s world.
On the other hand, they seem to have great awareness and fear of human objects in their environment away from people. Trail cameras and other structures are avoided or torn down. Everyone wonders why trail cameras don’t get pictures of squatches, but we have gotten pictures that we think are squatches, usually close-up of hands, fingers, and occasionally an eye or nose, just before the camera was ripped off the tree and destroyed. In the past, these pictures have been ignored and discarded because they would be too easily faked.
Sasquatches are fast. We know of at least one reliable report where a sasquatch ran along side a car traveling 35 miles per hour with apparent ease. Other reports have clocked them much faster yet. Witnesses report that they have a very fluid gait, almost looking like they are cross country skiing when running. Unlike humans they do not stagger their steps, instead they tend to place one foot in front of the other in a line. We assume that this allows them to follow narrow woodland trails with ease.
Throughout the years, witnesses and the Bigfoot Community have attributed many vocalizations and sounds to sasquatches. Very rarely though has anyone actually seen the sasquatches make these sounds, thus we cannot ever be certain that the sounds we hear are coming from a sasquatch and not from some other source. There are actually a lot of animals that make strange noises that most people are unfamiliar with. However, witnesses have seen sasquatches scream, chatter, and howl. Also, there are sounds that we hear regularly in areas where sasquatches are known to be active, but not in other areas, such as the following:
Whoops sound just like a person yelling “whoop.” They can be rather loud but softer short range whoops are also heard from time to time. One distinctive feature of the whoop vocalization is that it usually ends in a “P” sound. This is important in that one needs supple speech engaging lips to make a “P” sound, thus it rules out all other contenders other than humans. It should be noted that a whoop call is often the easiest call for most people to make as well.
These are highly variable calls that usually carry far and have a lot of power behind them. Witnesses who have been near the source of these calls often describe feeling the call in their bodies as much as hearing it. These calls are often superficially similar to other known animals such as wolves or cattle. Spectrograph analysis of recorded calls can show nuances that cannot be heard by the ear alone and can aid in separating these calls from known sources.
Like whoops, screams can be heard at almost any volume level. These high pitched calls sound very similar to a woman or child screaming. This call can be very unnerving when one hears it coming from a dark forest in the middle of the night. Rabbits, foxes, coyotes, and some birds (such as Barred Owls) all make calls that can be confused with these calls. It is therefore important to get to know the sounds these animals can make before going into the field.
Knocks are an interesting phenomenon. Very rarely do you have sasquatch activity in an area without hearing a few “wood knocks.” These sound just like someone is taking a large stick and slamming it into a tree to create a sharp staccato sound. Varying numbers of knocks can be heard at a time, though usually only one or two. Sometimes one hears a knock in one location only to hear another from a different location. This is the easiest sound for humans to replicate, and the most likely to get an answer. It is also the easiest to be mistaken as there is always the possibility that the other knocks are simply another person breaking wood for a fire. Occasionally, the knocking takes a more popping or clacking sound, like rocks being struck together.
One interesting note is that sasquatches have seldom, if ever, been seen carrying sticks, and yet we often get good replies within seconds of making a knock. It is unlikely that the sasquatches have time to find a suitable stick and tree; thus we hypothesize that they are in fact making the noises with their bodies in some way.
Deep throated and guttural, sometimes just barely on the lower edge of hearing, the growl of a sasquatch is a very frightening thing. You can feel it as much as hear it, leading many to believe that they are actually capable of producing infrasound (sound below the range of our hearing). Of course other large mammals are capable of producing growls as well, so just hearing a growl in the woods is never good enough to state that it was likely a sasquatch without other supporting evidence.
The whistles heard in sasquatches areas are quite different that those a human can make. They are usually short, sharp, and very loud. Unlike human and bird whistles, these have more substance and sound throatier. We hypothesize that they create these whistles with their voice boxes rather than the mechanical whistle a human makes. They appear to be used as a sort of a signal, as they are often answered from a different location.
“Voices in the woods” is a phrase witnesses use to describe sounds they often hear in areas where sasquatches are active. The voices are usually described as being unintelligible, but seeming to form words. Sometimes the speech seems to be chatter, like one would expect from a chimpanzee. The pitch of the voices varies from encounter to encounter. Many people believe that sasquatches possess the ability to use language or at least a proto-language. Of course, many of these encounters could be other people talking or voices carrying further than witnesses think possible.
Sasquatches seem to have the ability to mimic other creatures and even human speech, right down to the sound of our voices. Many researchers and other witnesses have called into the woods only to have their own voices respond sometime later.
Sasquatches seem to hate our dogs. First, they tend not to come as close to camps and homes that have dogs. Second, when the rare dog actually chases one, the dog is usually found dead and mangled, if found at all. Most dogs are absolutely terrified of sasquatches and will cover and whimper when they are around.
Wild canines seems to have a different relationship with them, though no one is really certain what that relationship is. Coyotes are regularly heard in conjunction with sasquatch howls, and they almost seem to follow the sasquatches. Wolves too are often heard in conjunction with sasquatch activity, though the nature of that relationship seems to be more adversarial.
People who leave food out for sasquatches often report that small items, such as pretty rocks, sticks, flowers, bones, and even one report of a small kitten are left in place of the food after the food is taken. Obviously, this is not something a bear or other animal is likely to do.
Like other primates, sasquatches manipulate the environment around them in various ways, such as the following:
Along game trails we have found many structures similar to tepees made of logs, sticks, and bent over trees. These structures typically have a large area inside them where one can sit and rest, while being camouflaged from sight by anything on the trail. Often these structures show signs that something large and heavy has been sitting in them.

Arches are formed from living trees that have been bent to the ground and then a log is laid across the branches. We have seen arches made from small saplings and large ones made from 20 foot tall trees. Arches do occur naturally when one tree falls and pins a smaller tree to the ground, but in these cases the pinning branch is always at an angle of 45 degrees or less to the trunk of the pinned tree. Arches that are made tend to have the pinning log perpendicular to the trunk of the pinned tree, something that would not normally be possible in a storm-fall situation.

Arches are typically found paralleling a human road or trail. We hypothesize that these are made by the sasquatches as markers, so that when coming out of the woods they will see the arches and know that they are coming up to a human trail.
Gates are created when sasquatches use trees or other obstacles to block a road or trail. Sometimes the gates are elaborate, where they pull a small tree from each side of the trail down over the trail, weaving the branches together to hold the two trees together across the trail. Other times, the gates are simple logs placed across the trail or road.
Many researchers report large X markers in areas where sasquatches are active. Of all the structures, these would be the most likely to happen naturally, but in some cases the X’s seem deliberate and occur with a frequency not seen in areas without sasquatch activity.

Photo Copyright 2012 Randy S.
Broken trees and branches are fairly common in areas where sasquatches are present. Truth be told, they are fairly common in any woods and occur naturally via wind and weather. However, these breaks seem to occur more frequently in sasquatch habitats and they occur with an observable pattern, usually.
Smaller trees and branches are often just broken off, as if someone had reached out and broke the branch down, snapping it. These breaks are often seen along sasquatch trails as the sasquatches clear the way for themselves to walk. We also see these breaks, especially the tops of small spruce and firs broken off near the hidden entrance to a groomed trail. Finally, these small breaks are often seen in what can only be thought of as a playful pattern, as if the sasquatches just broke the branches out of boredom. We’ve seen areas where the whole tops of small spruce are broken clean off and thrown to the side 30 feet from the tree.
Larger branches and even whole trees up to several inches in diameter can be found bent and broken by a spiral twisting action. This action does not occur easily in nature and requires something with a human like grip to do it; however, many of these trees are broken with forces far beyond human capabilities. These, of course, make for the most compelling evidence for they cannot be easily explained through any other means other than a large, powerful hominid.

Most of what was discussed in this section already could be considered stick structures, but there are a lot of variations in structures that people find. Most of what we see described as stick structures need to be taken with a grain of salt as they may very well have happened through storm activity or even the work of industrious children on a camping trip. That said, we do find structures that defy explanation from time to time and do not easily fit into one of the other classifications.

Occasionally, we find stacks of rocks in areas where sasquatches are active. These are usually found along roads or near sources of food or water. They are what they sound like, merely rocks piled on top of each other. It should be noted that in areas of human activity, human hikers do often do this, so rock stacks should not be considered proof positive of sasquatch activity.
Bites on trees seem to be a fairly rare occurrence. These bite marks usually occur on the trunk of a small tree, about 5 to 7 feet above the ground. The teeth marks are all typically flat (like a human incisor), about a ½ inch long each, and arranged in a semi-circle on either side of the tree trunk. Often a big chunk of tree bark and wood has been ripped out by the bite.
You can rule out moose as the source, as moose only have front teeth on the lower jaw. You can rule out humans by the size and height of the bite. Carnivores can be ruled out by the lack of obvious canine mark and a lack of claw marks. The only animal that we can think of that cannot be immediately ruled out is a horse, so one should look for horse sign in the area of any bite marks.
We have only seen bites like this on a few occasions, but every time it was near a berry patch. Whether that is coincidence or not, we don’t know.
Sasquatches do not always form groomed trails. Many groups of them seem content to use human paths; however, we often find trails that have been used for a long time in sasquatch areas. A sasquatch trail bed is concave in cross-section from the pounding of large, flat feet. They will typically be free of clutter such as sticks, dry leaves, and deer tracks. The most telling feature though is that the trail has been groomed for a tall creature. Most branches crossing the trail up to 8 to 10 feet up are broken away from the trail. If a 6 foot tall person cannot easily walk down the trail without doing more than brushing a few supple branches aside once in a while, it is not likely a sasquatch trail (or at least not a well maintained one).
We often find these trails paralleling frequently used human trails and other game trails, just out of sight behind brush. The groomed nature of these trails allows the sasquatches to follow game and people in nearly complete silence.

Mark Hearn
Feb 20